Monday, March 4, 2013

Back to Work

I've been making mini notebooks again. It's a simple kind of busy work, and I'm always enjoying the way they turn out.

As you can tell, I was out of my creation funk for a while. I've been busy moving and setting up my new place. Busy working and daydreaming. Busy being lazy too.

But, my place is now set up for making magic. I've been watching "Charmed" and going to thrift stores on the regular. So, with my goodies organized properly and some worthwhile time to myself I turned these out.

I hope to show off many, many minis in the near future.

Thanks for looking :)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

My new favorite thing

I joined my second Artist Trading Card swap. It's due on November 19th but I had the whole day off and Destin worked all night. This doesn't happen often lately, as I'm at work also or we're home together, playing Resident Evil or watching King of the Hill. I figured without any distractions, I should just knock them out. After a few hours, a stiff neck, and sticky fingers, I've finished.

The theme for the swap is Zetti. I was intrigued once I hopped over to the link for inspiration:

^ This one says: "A broken heart seemed a simple price to pay."

(That's from a book by Alice Hoffman that I stole a bunch of quotes from and wrote them in a notebook to be used for my own future benefit back in junior high. Sometimes other people can say it better.)

I spent an hour or so trying to digest the busy images. I tried to get a firm grasp on the elements that were present in most of them. All in all, I'm pretty pleased with how they turned out. My own flair, but heavily guided by the flickr pictures. 

This one says: "What's deep inside always surfaces..." Also from that Hoffman novel. This picture doesn't do the card much justice. On the third panel of that film roll is part of a dollar bill that says, "private."

There is also some fuzzy yarn on the lady's chest that is supposed to be her chest popping open from the serpent head coming out. She's standing in front of a geyser.

Mind you, these cards are only 2.5 inches by 3.5 inches; the size of a playing card. I'm a serious fan of tiny things.

"Whaddaya talkin about?"

(that quote is meant to be said in your best old man voice)

I could have made a tiny dick joke in case there are any doods reading but I took this next card's words as sound advice.  "Certain things need not be said."

I'm so wild and Kah-raisey (meant to be said like Dan Aykroyd and Steve Martin in their foreigner characters from SNL)!!

Her hat is a piece of a mirror I found in my backyard whilst walking Izzy. I personally like the open mouth where her heart is supposed to be. That's what my heart feels like when I'm not saying things that need to be said. Being in the service industry I bite my tongue more often than not. That's why people think I'm so nice ;)

Days I make something from start to finish, those are really good days.

Go create something! Because the only thing more powerful than destruction is creation.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Wasting Time

I bought this spectacular book the other day at a thrift store. I enjoy buying cheap books especially when the insides are creative enough to think about using for crafting. The look of a book page on a craft is appealing, and timeless, I think. Problem is, I feel a creeping guilt set in when I think about cutting up a book. A magazine, no big deal, lemme at it. But a book? For some reason their pages feel too sacred.

I've resorted to using the extremely handy scanner/printer I have. That way, I get to have my cake and eat it too.
Plus the copy an go on colored paper, or a notebook sheet, or on glossy photo paper, or on clear plastic self adhesive sheets!!!! WHAT?!?

Oh yeah, that's right. Craaazy crafting!
Check out the 1970s SNL, it's delightful!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Nice, A Niece!

If I were a white-lighter, (from "Charmed") I would consider this soon to come baby, my third charge. The third little thing that I can persuade to my way of thinking; if I play my cards right and her mom doesn't get smart. (As one of my four followers, and older sister, I hope she won't notice!) 

Anyway, this little addition to the family will be named, Lillian Avery. Cute, right?
 On my last trip to Hobby Lobby to spend some gift cards, I decided to buy three letters. One for each of my charges. Remy, Amelie, and Lillian. The other two are already out of the womb, so I made Lillian's first. I'm full of good sense.

Since I don't know what she's going to be like, I pulled from her Mommy's personality. Likely Lillian's will be similar, at least until she reaches adolescence and she starts rebelling. Maybe then I'll make her a gothic I-pod cover or something hi-tech with solar panels.

I put my favorite phrase on the side. Hoping to sway her immediately! How mischevious I am!

 I put a ribbon on the back so she can hang it, cause I'm also extremely thoughtful. I also tried to make the back look finished so as not to embarrass her in the future when she learns to recognize shoddy craftsmanship.
Babies!!!! :)

Friday, September 28, 2012

Paper Making

This is what it looks like when I make paper. In a few years I hope to have my own serious workshop space. A dreamy land filled with woodworking tools, a welding station, and plenty of drying racks. I want to be able to build the frames for the paper making. 

What you see in the photos is an Arnold Grummer's kit I bought on Amazon for like $30 and the pages are only 8 x 5.5. In my future I'll be able to make poster sized sheets and I'll have a sink and a mixer big enough for all that pulp. 

 I guess I forgot to take pictures of the sponge and couch sheet parts. You have to press all the water out, naturally. I typically do 3-4 pages a day before I get tired of pressing when the counter top is almost taller than I am. But the other day I felt the urge of a dedicated factory worker and made 10! Record setting, I know.
I'm crazy about paper, always have been. It's pretty cool to find out you never have to waste another sheet just because you wrote something stupid on it. Just make it a new piece! YAY!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Procrastination Station

I was going to write a mopey post about why I've been so unmotivated, but then "Daylight" by Matt and Kim came on and I decided not to be such a whiny baby. I put on Young the Giant's Pandora station and get Izzy in a tizzie while I dance wildly.

Now I'm going to show you pictures of half-done projects so I can make-believe I'm accomplishing more!

Anyway, like I said, they aren't finished. So no judging...yet!

Have a happy Tuesday! And if you have completion vibes please send them my way :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

You never know

"You never know until you try, (Allegra's window!!)."

Tonight I got un-dumb and learned me how ta stamp new things. Like the inside of bottlecaps!

I started with a test on wine corks...but I think my punches need to be bigger. That or cork is too airy. Why didn't I take physics in high school? Is that physics?

Anyway, buy a stamp/punch set and have fun! I find it works best on soft, pliable material.