Friday, October 5, 2012

Nice, A Niece!

If I were a white-lighter, (from "Charmed") I would consider this soon to come baby, my third charge. The third little thing that I can persuade to my way of thinking; if I play my cards right and her mom doesn't get smart. (As one of my four followers, and older sister, I hope she won't notice!) 

Anyway, this little addition to the family will be named, Lillian Avery. Cute, right?
 On my last trip to Hobby Lobby to spend some gift cards, I decided to buy three letters. One for each of my charges. Remy, Amelie, and Lillian. The other two are already out of the womb, so I made Lillian's first. I'm full of good sense.

Since I don't know what she's going to be like, I pulled from her Mommy's personality. Likely Lillian's will be similar, at least until she reaches adolescence and she starts rebelling. Maybe then I'll make her a gothic I-pod cover or something hi-tech with solar panels.

I put my favorite phrase on the side. Hoping to sway her immediately! How mischevious I am!

 I put a ribbon on the back so she can hang it, cause I'm also extremely thoughtful. I also tried to make the back look finished so as not to embarrass her in the future when she learns to recognize shoddy craftsmanship.
Babies!!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. I like it, great job. I hope you get where you need to be daily. You are a great woman.
