Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A tiny wall plaque

Destin and I were coming back from my nephews third birthday party when I spotted the Grand Opening of a thrift store! My lucky day! They had these grab bags that you couldn't entirely see through and they were super cheap. I found one with crafty looking materials and scored a few stitching frames among tons of other treasures. I was pleased :)

It also came with that lovely paper you see, it's a rich paper and the darker parts are a raised soft texture. I knew I wanted to use the two together for a quick project.

What really inspired me to bring it all together was a random "I want to stamp some leather" moment. I chose the quote mainly because it was short and sweet. With another random whim I brushed the top with some cherry red India ink. After that was done a light bulb went off! "That will go perfect with my new, red, fancy paper!"

I hot glued some beads from and old, broken necklace I scored from my sister, added a few brads to the corner and one of those dragon tears on the top.

For such a fast project, I like it :)

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